Spiritual Journey Joseph D'Emanuele  

Hurdles on My Spiritual Journey

I want to share some of the hurdles I face on my own daily spiritual journey and how I try to work through them. I hope my experiences and tips can help you navigate your journey as well.

Image by Džoko Stach from Pixabay

The journey of faith is incredibly rewarding, but it comes with its challenges. I often struggle with distractions, laziness, and the comfort of routine, and I know I’m not alone. These hurdles can make it difficult to grow deeper in my relationship with God, but with the right mindset and practical steps, I have found ways to overcome them. I hope these pointers help you on your journey too.

Identify the obstacles

What are the biggest obstacles that keep you from focusing on your faith? Take a moment to reflect. For me, when I examine my own journey, I find three main obstacles that often stand in my way.

  • Distractions: Social media, TV, and hobbies can easily take up our time. While they aren’t inherently bad, they can prevent us from dedicating time to our faith.
  • Laziness: Spiritual growth takes effort and discipline, which can be daunting if we’re used to a relaxed approach.
  • Comfort Zones: Growth often means leaving behind familiar routines and embracing new challenges.

How to overcome them

  1. Set Clear Goals: Define what you want—whether it’s more prayer, understanding Scripture better, or serving others. What goals do you feel God is calling you to set right now? Clear goals give direction.
  2. Create a Routine: Schedule time for prayer, Lectio Divina, Bible study, and reflection, just like any other important activity. What time of day works best for you to connect with God? Personally, I find mornings work best, as evenings tend to fill up with other commitments and leave me feeling too tired.
  3. Limit Distractions: Identify time-wasters and set boundaries. Consider a digital detox or use apps to manage screen time. 
  4. Start Small: If motivation is challenging, begin with just five minutes a day. Consistency is more important than long sessions. I like to prepare in advance for my time with God, so I don’t waste time deciding what to do or which book to use.  
  5. Get Accountability: Partner with a friend or join a group that encourages spiritual growth.
  6. Reflect on the Benefits: Keep in mind how faith brings peace and purpose. How have you experienced God’s peace in your life so far? Remembering the rewards helps keep you motivated.
  7. Embrace Discomfort: Growth happens outside comfort zones. Trust God and step into new experiences.
  8. Pray for Help: You’re not alone. Ask God for strength, motivation, and guidance.
  9. Celebrate Progress: Celebrate even small wins. Recognizing your growth keeps you encouraged.

Make a commitment

Making a deliberate decision to prioritize your faith is crucial for growth and transformation.

  • Commit to God: Start by committing your journey to God in prayer. What specific step can you commit to today?
  • Know Your Why: Reflect on why you want to grow—whether to find peace or deepen your relationship with God. Knowing your why keeps you focused.
  • Plan and Share: Write down your goals and share them with someone you trust for support.
  • Regularly Reevaluate: Check in on your progress and make adjustments as needed. How often will you take time to reflect on your journey?


The faith journey has its difficulties, but it’s worth it. By facing distractions, laziness, and comfort head-on, you can grow closer to God. Remember, it’s not about perfection but progress. Take that step today and embrace the journey with God by your side.

Dear Lord, give me the strength and determination to overcome the obstacles that stand in my way. Help me to stay focused on You, to grow in my faith, and to embrace this journey with courage and trust. Amen.