This section is dedicated to posts related to spirituality. The content is solely the thought of the author and it is not affiliated with any authority. Feel free to share and comment on any post that you find useful and enjoyed reading.
- Jesus the Healer – Icon at MSSP OratoryThe icon symbolizes four significant healing miracles of Jesus that the Oratory MSSP is meditating on as part of this year’s catechesis. These events are central to understanding Jesus’ compassion… Read more: Jesus the Healer – Icon at MSSP Oratory
- Riflessjoni dwar it-Talba tal-MissiernaOrjentament Matul il-laqgħa tagħna flimkien ser nittrattaw it-talba tal-Missierna. Hi talba li tgħallimniha meta konna żgħar u għadna ngħiduha kuljum. Imma, kemm nieqfu u nirriflettu dwarha? Dan hu li ser… Read more: Riflessjoni dwar it-Talba tal-Missierna
- The Infinite Dignity of Every Human BeingIn April 2024, the Catholic Church through the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) issued an important new declaration called Dignitas Infinita (Latin for “Infinite Dignity”) that reaffirms… Read more: The Infinite Dignity of Every Human Being
- Avvent 2023Wasalna għal bidu ta’ sena ġdida fiċ-ċiklu liturġiku. Il-Knisja tibda s-sena bi preparazzjoni għall-Milied. Hu żmien fejn wieħed jieqaf u jħares lura biex jeżamina il-ħajja spiritwali tiegħu u fl-istess ħin… Read more: Avvent 2023
- Reflection: Sunset at Dingli CliffsFew Sundays ago, my wife and I ventured to Dingli Cliffs to witness the mesmerizing sunset. The air carried a slight chill, and the tranquil atmosphere was filled with the… Read more: Reflection: Sunset at Dingli Cliffs
- Journey of Grace: Reflections on the Sinner Woman in the Third GospelThe narrative of the sinner woman in the third gospel extends beyond the surface, delving into profound aspects of spirituality and human nature. One key aspect is the notion that… Read more: Journey of Grace: Reflections on the Sinner Woman in the Third Gospel
- Christ Pantocrator: A Personal JourneyIn the quiet contemplation, my gaze often comes to rest upon the arresting image of Christ Pantocrator on my desk. In those moments of stillness, the iconic representation of Christ… Read more: Christ Pantocrator: A Personal Journey
- Byzantine Icons: Christ PantocratorThe Christ Pantocrator icon is one of the most iconic and widely recognized images in Byzantine iconography. It depicts Jesus Christ as the “Ruler of All” or “Almighty” and is… Read more: Byzantine Icons: Christ Pantocrator
- Understanding Byzantine Iconography: Colors, Images, and SymbolismByzantine iconography refers to the religious art of the Byzantine Empire, primarily associated with Eastern Orthodox Christianity. These icons served as windows into the divine, bridging the gap between the… Read more: Understanding Byzantine Iconography: Colors, Images, and Symbolism
- A visit to the Church of St Clement of OhridDuring my work visit to Skopje this summer I got struck by the beauty of this church. Nestled in the heart of North Macedonia lies a gem of cultural and… Read more: A visit to the Church of St Clement of Ohrid
- Love, Grace, and Forgiveness – A Sinful Woman ForgivenThe meal at Simon the Pharisee’s house is the second meal type-scene to reflect upon. One of the Pharisees asked Jesus to eat with him, and when he went into… Read more: Love, Grace, and Forgiveness – A Sinful Woman Forgiven
- Meals with Jesus in Luke’s GospelIn the Gospel of Luke, meals play a significant role in Jesus’ ministry. In approximately one-fifth of the sentences in Luke’s Gospel and in Acts, meals are mentioned. Meals with… Read more: Meals with Jesus in Luke’s Gospel
- The Banquet at Levi’s HouseThe first meal-type scene identified by Okorie is Jesus’ banquet at Levi’s house. After this he went out and saw a tax collector named Levi sitting at the tax-collection station,… Read more: The Banquet at Levi’s House
- Mary Magdalene in the Gospels: Witness to ResurrectionMary Magdalene’s presence in the Gospels holds significant importance as she emerges as a prominent figure closely associated with Jesus Christ. This short blog entry examines the portrayal of Mary… Read more: Mary Magdalene in the Gospels: Witness to Resurrection
- Mary Magdalene: The Enigmatic DiscipleMary Magdalene, an enigmatic figure in biblical history, has captivated the imagination of scholars and believers alike for centuries. Revered as one of Jesus Christ’s most devoted followers, she holds… Read more: Mary Magdalene: The Enigmatic Disciple
- Sibt il-Għid: Omelija AntikaF’Sibt il-Għid, il-Knisja Kattolika permezz tal-Qari tal-Uffiċċju tippreżentalna omelija antika mill-kitbiet li nsibu fil-Patristka Griega. X’inhi l-Patristiga Griega? Patristika Griega tirreferi għall-kitbiet teoloġiċi u t-tagħlim tat-teologi Kristjani tal-bidu li kitbu… Read more: Sibt il-Għid: Omelija Antika
- Katekeżi tal-isqof San Ġwann Kriżostmu: Il-qawwa tad-demm ta’ KristuSan Ġwann Krisostmu (c. 349 – 407 AD) kien isqof u teologu tal-Knisja tal-bidu. Hu kien magħruf għall-predikazzjoni u l-kitbiet elokwenti tiegħu. Huwa twieled f’Antjokja, fit-Turkija tal-llum u studja taħt… Read more: Katekeżi tal-isqof San Ġwann Kriżostmu: Il-qawwa tad-demm ta’ Kristu
- Robbers or wrongdoers?In this short blog entry, we shall look at the development of the word describing the two criminals who were crucified alongside Jesus. Two of the Synoptic Gospels says that… Read more: Robbers or wrongdoers?
- The Good ThiefThe story of the good thief, or better, the penitent wrongdoer (see Robbers or wrongdoers?), as recounted in the Gospel of Luke (Lk 23, 32-43), is a powerful example of… Read more: The Good Thief
- 2022/12 – Il-mara KangħanijaQari mill-Evanġelju skont San Mattew Ġesù ħareġ minn hemm u telaq lejn Tir u Sidon. U ħarġet waħda mara Kangħanija minn dawk l-inħawi, u qabdet tgħajjat u tgħid: “Ħenn għalija,… Read more: 2022/12 – Il-mara Kangħanija
- 2022/10 – Il-laqgħa ta’ Ġesù u PietruDan ix-xahar ser niffukaw fuq is-silta ta’ meta Ġesù ltaqa ma Pietru. Ħafna jafu din il-ġrajja bħala s-sajda mirakuluża, imma kif ser naraw, l-akbar miraklu jsir f’qalb Pietru! Qari mill-Evanġelju… Read more: 2022/10 – Il-laqgħa ta’ Ġesù u Pietru
- 2022/9 – Ġesù jfejjaq wieħed mifluġQari mill-Evanġelju skont San Mark Meta wara xi ġranet daħal Kafarnahum, in-nies semgħet li kien id-dar. U nġabru bosta, hekk li ma kienx hemm fejn joqogħdu iżjed, anqas quddiem il-bieb.… Read more: 2022/9 – Ġesù jfejjaq wieħed mifluġ
- 2022/8 – Il-fejqan tal-imwieled agħmaQari mill-Evanġelju skont San Ġwann Kif kien għaddej, lemaħ raġel agħma minn twelidu, u d-dixxipli tiegħu staqsewh: “Rabbi, dan twieled agħma għax dineb hu stess, jew għax dinbu l-ġenituri tiegħu?”… Read more: 2022/8 – Il-fejqan tal-imwieled agħma
- 2022/7 – Ġesù jimxi fuq l-ilmaQari mill-Evanġelju skont San Mattew U minnufih ġiegħel lid-dixxipli jitilgħu fuq id-dgħajsa u jmorru qablu x-xatt l-ieħor, sakemm jibgħat lin-nies. Wara li bagħat lin-nies, tela’ waħdu fuq l-għoljiet biex jitlob. Xħin… Read more: 2022/7 – Ġesù jimxi fuq l-ilma
- 2022/6 – Ġesù jitma’ ħamest elef ruħQari mill-Evanġelju skont San Mattew Meta sama’ l-aħbar, Ġesù telaq minn hemm bid-dgħajsa u mar waħdu f’post imwarrab. Imma n-nies semgħu fejn mar, u telqu warajh bil-mixi mill-ibliet. Xħin niżel… Read more: 2022/6 – Ġesù jitma’ ħamest elef ruħ
- 2022/5 – Ġesù jfejjaq lil Bartimew l-agħmaQari mill-Evaġelju skont San Mark U waslu Ġeriko. Hu u ħiereġ minn Ġeriko flimkien mad-dixxipli tiegħu u ma’ kotra kbira ta’ nies, kien hemm wieħed tallab agħma, jismu Bartimew, bin… Read more: 2022/5 – Ġesù jfejjaq lil Bartimew l-agħma
- 2022/4 – Il-mewt ta’ LazzruQari mill-Evanġelju skont San Ġwann Marta qalet lil Ġesù: “Mulej, kieku kont hawn, ħija ma kienx imut. Imma wkoll issa, jiena naf li kulma int titlob lil Alla, Alla jagħtihulek.”… Read more: 2022/4 – Il-mewt ta’ Lazzru
- 2022/3 – Ġesù jfejjaq għaxar lebbrużiQari mill-Evanġelju skont San Luqa Ġara li, huwa u sejjer lejn Ġerusalemm, Ġesù għadda minn bejn is-Samarija u l-Galilija. Kif kien dieħel f’raħal, iltaqgħu miegħu għaxart irġiel morda bil-lebbra. Waqfu… Read more: 2022/3 – Ġesù jfejjaq għaxar lebbrużi
- 2022/2 – Ġesù jfejjaq il-qaddej ta’ ċenturjunQari mill-Evanġelju skont San Mattew Daħal Kafarnahum, u resaq fuqu wieħed ċenturjun jitolbu bil-ħerqa u jgħidlu: “Sinjur, id-dar għandi l-qaddej mixħut, mifluġ u batut wisq.” Qallu Ġesù: “Niġi jien infejqu.”… Read more: 2022/2 – Ġesù jfejjaq il-qaddej ta’ ċenturjun
- Kif Mietu l-Appostli?Fil-Bibbja ma nsibu xejn dwar il-mewt tal-Appostli, għajr għal tnejn minnhom; dik ta’ Ġuda l-Iskarjota u ta’ Ġakbu. It-tagħrif li għandna dwar il-ħajja u l-mewt tagħhom ġej mit-Tradizzjoni tal-Knisja u… Read more: Kif Mietu l-Appostli?
- L-AppostliIt-12-il appostlu, jew sempliċiment “it-Tnax” kienu l-eqreb dixxipli, segwaċi, ta’ Ġesù. Wara l-mewt ta’ Ġesù, huma waqfu u mexxew diversi komunitajiet biex iwasslu t-tagħlim ta’ Ġesù f’partijiet differenti tad-dinja ta’… Read more: L-Appostli
- Is-Seba’ Kelmiet ta’ MarijaJekk trid tkun taf dwar il-karattru u l-ħsibijiet ta’ persuna, ismagħha titkellem. Il-kliem u l-imġieba jixħtu dawl fuq l-ispiritwalità u l-psike tagħna. L-istess nistgħu ngħidu għal Marija omm Ġesù. Fil-Bibbja… Read more: Is-Seba’ Kelmiet ta’ Marija
- Għax l-anġli tiegħu hu jibgħatlek, u jħarsuk fi triqatek kollha (S 91, 11)L-Anġli. Ħafna drabi, nassoċjaw l-anġli ma ħlejjaq tat-tfal jew mal-mitoloġija jew mal-fantasija. Imma l-anġli huma ħolqien t’Alla u preżenti fil-ħajja tagħna. Ma danakollu, ftit jew xejn nagħtu kas tagħhom. Fl-Iskrittura… Read more: Għax l-anġli tiegħu hu jibgħatlek, u jħarsuk fi triqatek kollha (S 91, 11)
- Sub Tuum PraesidiumSub tuum praesidium, jew kif hi magħrufa bil-Malti “Taħt il-Ħarsien Tiegħek”, hi x’aktarx l-aktar talba antika tal-Knisja ddedikata lill-Imqaddsa Verġni Marija. Hi talba li ilha tintuża f’diversi riti liturġiċi, kemm… Read more: Sub Tuum Praesidium